WP1.2: Compilation of “hidden records” and “hidden recorders” for species on Montserrat and Cayman from open access sources

Information on “hidden records” and “hidden recorders” for species on Montserrat and Cayman from open access sources (e.g. iNaturalist and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility) is being complied. This work will look at the history of biological recording by different groups on the islands and how this was shaped by different drivers through time. We will compare recording of similar taxa by different social groups and organisations in the UK as a counter-factual for a non-colonised territory. We will highlight the role of local collectors and examine the potentially under-reported role of women. We will also explore the links between biological recording and conservation research and actions over time. Analysis from this WP will inform targeting of citizen science and engagement activities for biological recording on the UKOTs. Data will be published via online platforms e.g. Zenodo.

Project Outputs

  • Poster presentation at the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) conference’s symposium: A Global Collections Network: building capacity and developing community. Team member, Sofie Meus from Meise Botanic Garden won award.
hh poster