Conference reports
Below there are shortcuts to the Proceedings of UKOTCF-organised conferences. For other outputs of the conference, go to Conferences. (For reports of seminars and workshops, go to Other papers and reports. See also Regular publications and Publications for Sale, under the Resources tab.)
Staying Connected for Conservation in a Changed World, online 2021
The Proceedings of the conference were published on 30th June 2021 and can be accessed via this page.
Sustaining Partnerships, Gibraltar 2015
The Proceedings of the conference are available for download.
Medium-resolution version (55.4 MB)
Low-resolution version (23.2 MB)
In case these file size is too large, we divided the low-resolution copy into blocks, below. (Please note that, on these versions, the links from the Contents will work only within the first file, which includes the Contents list.)
Title of session | Pages | File size MB | Section |
Opening; Biodiversity Action Plans & Environment Charters | 1-118 | 5.8 | 1-3 |
Posters not on main topics; Terrestrial; Marine | 119-238 | 5.3 | 4-8 |
MEA sign-up workshop; Renewable Energy; BEST; Physical Planning & EIAs | 239-356 | 4.8 | 9-12 |
Environmental Education; EIA workshop; Closing; Conclusions & Recommendations | 357-484 | 6.6 | 13-16 |
Programme; Participants; Feedback; Recommendations sorted by type of addressee; Meeting of Territory Environment Ministers | 485-540 | 1.0 | Appendices |
Making the Right Connections, Grand Cayman 2009
The main topics had been determined after wide consultations amongst conservationists working in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies. Main sessions were:
- Climate Change – impacts and adaptation
Spatial Planning, Protected Areas and International Standards – assets or liabilities?
Raising our Profile – engaging policy makers and the public - Invasive Species
- Enhancing Capacity – how on earth are we going to cope with the workload
- Joined-up Thinking – institutional arrangements for environmental management, with shorter sessions on
- Progress on Environmental Charters Implementation; and
- Environmental Education.
Download the full proceedings [11MB] here.
Biodiversity that Matters, Jersey 2006
Main sessions were:
- Environmental education and the UKOTs
- Environmental Charters and strategic planning
- Integration of conservation and sustainable livelihoods
- Terrestrial
- Marine, including fisheries
- Obtaining and Using Resources (not just money)
- Species conservation issues:
- Dealing with alien invasive species
- Species recovery including captive breeding
The full proceedings can be downloaded here.
A Sense of Direction, Bermuda 2003
The main topics were determined after wide consultations amongst conservationists working in the Overseas Territories. The sessions were:
- Environmental Charters and strategic planning
- Managing conservation organisations
- Implementing management plans
- Climate change
- Dealing with invasive species
The full proceedings can be downloaded here.
Calpe 2000: Linking the Fragments of Paradise, Gibraltar 2000
The conference was intended as a working meeting, to help Territories take forward work, particularly in a range of areas that have been identified as priorities by workers in the small territories:
- Environmental awareness and education
- Information networking
- Tourism and funding for the environment
- Making protected areas effective
- Biodiversity action planning
Emphasis was placed on sharing knowledge and experience between workers from the various UKOTs, but also with other Overseas Territories, such as those of France, Spain and the Netherlands, as well as relevant small independent states.
The full proceedings can be downloaded here.
Breath of Fresh Air, London 1999
Agenda, conclusions, and introductory speeches can be downloaded here.