Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for 2022 from the UKOTCF team

Christmas card 2021

2021 was a busy and productive year for UKOTCF, despite Covid restrictions.  
Here are just a few of the things we have been doing and supporting:

  • Online conference in March 2021 – Staying connected for conservation in a changing world
  • Providing the secretariat for the 4th UKOTs and CDs Environment Ministers’ Council meeting, online in April 2021
  • Launching DPLUS155 project Adopt a Home for Wildlife in Montserrat in October 2021
  • Facilitating the donation of the battle ensign of the Falklands War Flagship HMS Invincible to the Falkland Islands Museum for the 40th anniversary of liberation of the Islands
  • Developing a proposal with the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), and others, on Hidden Historiesto inform future conservation efforts
  • Providing information on previous seabird counts in TCI to a current DPlus project
  • Continuing to highlight the serious problem of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) in the Caribbean
  • Virtual Tours produced for Anguilla, Gibraltar and Tristan da Cunha, completing at least first editions for all the UKOTs, with the last 2 CDs in progress 
  • Reflecting the unique biodiversity of the UKOTs by starting to recruit species champions.

A big thank you to all our supporters, friends and partners.
We are looking forward to an exciting and busy 2022, and hopefully a return to easier times.
Wishing you all well, and every success in 2022.
The UKOTCF Team.